Womens Stress And Anxiety

Today on Karen About Your Health on http://www.healthbeatradio.com at 10:00 am Eastern, I am going to share how I have continued to struggle with overwhelm. It’s pretty obvious by the fact I have not BLOGGED in a month. Honestly, I bit off more than I can chew. That is probably how it starts for most. I have a full time consulting gig, I am working on building an online business, and I have a radio show five days per week.

Well obviously something has to give, but I need the money from my full time consulting gig, I love the radio show and feel it will be part of my legacy, and I have invested so much time into building something on line that I cannot throw in the towel at this point, so what to do. I am sure many women reading this and that will listen to my show are feeling the exact same way. As I always say, you have to make a decision first and that’s what I did. I decided I have to find a way to free up some time in my life to see family and friends, take down time, get to church, and just plain old have some fun.

Since I want to keep everything I obviously have to have someone help me, so I have decided to start by finding an Intern to do production for my radio show and some of the Internet Marketing duties I am ready to pass on. That is a start! As I build more business, I plan to start having my house cleaned and food delivered. That will create more time to do things I enjoy.

Now what can you do to take some of the pressure off in your life? Make a list and start on something today. By 2011 we will all be over the overwhelm and not have to suffer the stress and anxiety that comes from taking on too much! Sound good Ladies!!!!