Unemployed? 14 Year Old Karen, Reminding You To Hold On To Your Dreams!

This is a hard time for so many in the US. We are bombarded daily with bad news about the unemployment rates and the flailing economy. Many have given up on finding work and for those that struggle daily life can bring on a great deal of stress. I know, I have been caught up in this depression and have friends in constant fear they will lose their jobs again. I feel lucky that I believe I can forge my own future in this down economy, but there are many that don’t believe they can do their own thing or want to. I would think by now we would have all learned that a job is not secure or safe, so why not try to do your own thing, especially if you are not working right now.

I have been there, so caught in the stress I was frozen and could not do anything. I would lay in bed and watch TV all day, which just made things worse. Step one, if you are unemployed or underemployed, turn off the TV. I know it’s hard but do it. Think about your strong points, take a walk, read a book, do anything, but back away from the TV.

Now, revisit your dreams and get excited about something. Believe me, it will help! I am lucky, that I have always loved to write. I find things I have written at a younger age and I smile. It’s like past me is giving present me advice. Here is a poem that I wrote at about 14 or so. I noticed adults seemed to just be stuck in a rut and I did not want to end up like that. Every time I read it, I am reminded to hold fast to my dreams. I hope it will remind you of your dreams. Whether you are suffering physically, emotionally, or financially or with all three as I have had to in the past, there is still a dream inside of you, a spark of hope, a light waiting to shine to the world.

From 14-year-old Karen to you:

Why do dreams fade with the passage of age

Do we lose a little courage with each little life stage

Is determination and optimism only held while in youth

Then we let it fade away and lose sight of the truth

Or is it the hardships of life that take there toll

Knocking us down, causing us to lose sight of our goal

I don’t know exactly what it could be

But it is happening daily to you and to me

So take the time to remember your dream

And have faith no matter how impossible it may seem

For I believe that dreams do come true

Don’t give up, It can happen for you!

– A Karen Hummel Original

Just re-typing this got me going. No matter what is going on in your life, don’t lose sight of your dream. Turn that dream into goals and actions and GO FOR IT! It may take time to reach, but you can be proud of each little step you take in the direction of your dream.

Just as young Karen, believed in today’s Karen, I believe in you and know you have more inner strength then you might be giving yourself credit for right now. So get moving!