Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!

Parents, have you considered it could be your fault your child is overweight or obese? I know there are circumstances where a child is born with a genetic issue that causes weight gain. My heart goes out to those children and their parents! But 9 out of 10 times, it is a parents fault their child… Continue reading Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!

There is no such thing as Overweight and Healthy

Lately, I have been hearing something that scares me. I just met a gentlemen yesterday that reminded me of it. He said, “Children can be overweight and healthy”. My apologies if you too have bought into this, but unfortunately it just isn’t true. Whether you are a child or adult you are at a greater… Continue reading There is no such thing as Overweight and Healthy

More resources for parents of overweight children coming soon

While I am so happy to see programs going into schools to teach children the importance of eating right and staying physically active, it is futile if there home environment is not changing. We need to help the parents of overweight children learn healthy behaviors and help them become role models to their children. I… Continue reading More resources for parents of overweight children coming soon

If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!

The sugary cereals marketed to children are so unhealthy and adding to the childhood obesity epidemic. Lately, I have seen commercials advertising how healthy most sugary cereals are, because of the whole grain and high fiber content. Moms and Dads, don’t let the whole grain and high fiber fool you! The high sugar content in… Continue reading If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!