My hCG update. I am still anti the hCG diet! Don’t do it! In fact, I won’t be having anyone on my radio show that promotes this diet. There are numerous reasons I will share. The first two days on it I almost threw up each night. I am used to eating a clean and… Continue reading hCG Rapid Weight Loss – Just Another Bad Diet
Tag: Karen Hummel
hCG Rapid Weight Loss
I am just going to come straight out and say it. If something says diet or rapid weight loss I don’t think people should do it. That being said, I also say, “Don’t knock it, until you try it”, quite a bit. So I am trying a diet many believe in for the next 21… Continue reading hCG Rapid Weight Loss
Men’s Preventative Health
This week on “Karen About Your Health” I am taking time during each show to talk a little bit about men’s preventative health. The simple truth is most men aren’t taking proper care of themselves, getting preventative screening or making their annual physical. Women are 100% more likely to get their annual exam. I also found… Continue reading Men’s Preventative Health
Womens Stress And Anxiety
Today on Karen About Your Health on at 10:00 am Eastern, I am going to share how I have continued to struggle with overwhelm. It’s pretty obvious by the fact I have not BLOGGED in a month. Honestly, I bit off more than I can chew. That is probably how it starts for most.… Continue reading Womens Stress And Anxiety
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Had a great time talking to Alicia Kirschenheiter on my radio show, we both are wellness and fitness professionals, so there was a lot to cover. She brought up so many great points I thought would be valuable to my readers. The first thing was her list of biggest fitness no no’s. She had five… Continue reading Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
Yesterday I interviewed Michelle Pearl, Author of “Wake Up! You’re Probably Never Going to Look Like That: How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit. I really enjoyed speaking with her. You can listen here: Karen\’s interview with Michelle Pearl. Michelle brought up some key issues that have been on my mind, some I have… Continue reading Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
Stress Reduction Tips
I have been writing a series on dealing with stress, as I know stress is one of the biggest, if not the biggest block in reaching your health, weight loss, and fitness goals. I mentioned in a previous post some of the techniques I have been trying. To be quite candid, some of the techniques… Continue reading Stress Reduction Tips
Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress
My favorite ways to reduce stress is by eating right and exercise. When you regularly eat healthily and exercise you have more energy, feel more confident, and just feel better about yourself. Eating and Stress There is a catch 22 when it comes to eating and stress. Sometimes we eat because we are stressed, sometimes… Continue reading Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress
Manage Your Time Or It Will Manage You
There is no such think as balance or work life balance. Sorry to break it to you, but that is the truth. There are only 24 hours in a day, so if you want to relieve stress in your life you have to prioritize your life and figure out what in life is most important… Continue reading Manage Your Time Or It Will Manage You
Lose Weight Online
We can do everything via the web now, so why not lose weight online? Using online tools, such as food and activity journals can help you stay on track with a healthier lifestyle. But, what about other products and services? I recommend being very careful. If you decide to hire a weight loss coach make… Continue reading Lose Weight Online