Men’s Preventative Health

This week on “Karen About Your Health” I am taking time during each show to talk a little bit about men’s preventative health. The simple truth is most men aren’t taking proper care of themselves, getting preventative screening or making their annual physical. Women are 100% more likely to get their annual exam. I also found… Continue reading Men’s Preventative Health

Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl

Yesterday I interviewed Michelle Pearl, Author of “Wake Up! You’re Probably Never Going to Look Like That: How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit. I really enjoyed speaking with her. You can listen here: Karen\’s interview with Michelle Pearl. Michelle brought up some key issues that have been on my mind, some I have… Continue reading Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl

Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress

My favorite ways to reduce stress is by eating right and exercise. When you regularly eat healthily and exercise you have more energy, feel more confident, and just feel better about yourself. Eating and Stress There is a catch 22 when it comes to eating and stress. Sometimes we eat because we are stressed, sometimes… Continue reading Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress