It amazes me how great marketing can bring a society to its knees. We have counted on the 72 Billion Dollar diet industry to help us lose weight and what has happened? We are fatter than ever before. You hear the words, “Diets Don’t Work” daily. There are many reasons they don’t, but one of… Continue reading The Diet Industry Is Dumbing Us Down
Tag: Childhood Obesity
Your TRUE Weight Loss Motivation
I was recently talking with a new client, she uttered the words I have heard so many times over the years, “I will be more motivated when I see results”. I know this is human nature. I also become more motivated when I see results from what I have been doing. But here’s the truth.… Continue reading Your TRUE Weight Loss Motivation
Parents, Did you make the grade when it comes to your child’s health and weight?
Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!
Parents, have you considered it could be your fault your child is overweight or obese? I know there are circumstances where a child is born with a genetic issue that causes weight gain. My heart goes out to those children and their parents! But 9 out of 10 times, it is a parents fault their child… Continue reading Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!
Childhood Obesity – Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Right For Teens?
Yesterday I wrote a bit about food addiction after catching one of the morning shows. I was bummed I could not remember which show to share the link to the segment. I don’t watch much TV anymore, so I considered myself very lucky when I turned on the TV last night and saw the same… Continue reading Childhood Obesity – Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Right For Teens?
Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
Yesterday I interviewed Michelle Pearl, Author of “Wake Up! You’re Probably Never Going to Look Like That: How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit. I really enjoyed speaking with her. You can listen here: Karen\’s interview with Michelle Pearl. Michelle brought up some key issues that have been on my mind, some I have… Continue reading Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
So Excited About Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
The information is out there, but I don’t think parents understand or want to face the consequences their children will be facing due to obesity. I really hope Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution will scare some parents into doing what is right to protect the health of their children. While I do believe parents want the… Continue reading So Excited About Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
December is here! Time to plan your families 2010 Healthy Weight Revolution!
Wow, December is here. This year was a complete whirlwind. I remember when I was a little girl and thought it took so long to get to December. I was always excited for December, because it contains my three favorite Holidays, my Birthday, Christmas and New Years Eve. Yes, I do consider my Birthday a… Continue reading December is here! Time to plan your families 2010 Healthy Weight Revolution!
Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.
Happy Thanksgiving! As your coach I am treating this as your final pep talk before the big day, so here we go. Before the party: Review tips from the past couple of weeks. Don’t go to dinner hungry. Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch. Many people starve all day thinking this gives… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.
More Tips to get your family through the Holidays
We have two weeks until Thanksgiving, so my tip today is to start planning. Most of the year, I get push back from clients about planning ahead. Maybe they think it will ruin their fun! But this time of year, most people are planning anyway, so why not plan to eat healthy and take care… Continue reading More Tips to get your family through the Holidays