Lose Weight Online

We can do everything via the web now, so why not lose weight online? Using online tools, such as food and activity journals can help you stay on track with a healthier lifestyle. But, what about other products and services? I recommend being very careful. If you decide to hire a weight loss coach make sure they have a degree in Nutrition or a related field. Don’t sign up for anything that promotes rapid weight loss. This will be followed by rapid weight gain and is extremely hard on your body. Also beware of plans that are overly stringent and have you only eat certain foods. You should be concentrating on all the wonderful food you can eat while losing weight. Focusing on what you can’t have usually causes a lapse or relapse in unhealthy eating and the end to a weight loss/management plan.

You have to remember anything worth having in life takes some work on your part. If you went to college, I bet you didn’t get your degree in a day; I know you didn’t walk your first day on the planet; you probably didn’t instantly know how to read and write, someone had to teach you. I also bet you didn’t gain 30 pounds in 30 days, so don’t expect to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. I know why you want to feel better fast, but I promise you losing it slowly and keeping it off for the long run is a whole lot more fun, then losing it quickly and gaining it all back.

Here are a few online resources:




You can do it! If you need additional support, drop me an email at karen@karenhummel.com.