Karen About Your Health Moving to Sundays at 7:00 EST

As of Sunday, January 2nd, Karen About Your Health will be moving to Sundays at 7:00 Eastern time. While I love doing the show, I just don’t have enough time to do five days a week at this point. It was a difficult decision, as I have always had a hard time scaling down and I definitely have never been a quitter, but sometimes you have to look out for our own health and not take on so many responsibilities that you end up stressed out, burnt out, and sick. I know, because I have been dealing with all of the above for months. I finally thought to myself it’s time to be “Karen About My Health”.

Have you bitten off more than you can chew recently? As we wind down 2010, this is the perfect time to take a long look in the mirror, then get a piece of paper and write down any areas of your life that may seem overwhelming. Then set some realistic goals to gain more control over your life. Life is too short to spend overwhelmed, stressed, and sick. Start working on your goals today. Why wait until the New Year when you can get a jump start on a healthier more joy filled life, today!

Listen in January 2nd at 7:00 EST at http://www.healthbeatradio.com