If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!

The sugary cereals marketed to children are so unhealthy and adding to the childhood obesity epidemic. Lately, I have seen commercials advertising how healthy most sugary cereals are, because of the whole grain and high fiber content. Moms and Dads, don’t let the whole grain and high fiber fool you! The high sugar content in these cereals, negates the whole grain and fiber benefits.

I have helped many overweight people change their eating habits over the years. Most overweight children are eating some type if high sugar cereal for breakfast. Most parents would not feed their child foods from the cookie or candy isle for breakfast, yet if it’s a cookie or sugary puff that you can pour milk over it is suddenly acceptable. If the cereal name sounds like a cookie or candy, it isn’t a good choice.

This is also leading to sugar addiction in our children. The children eating these cereals are growing their taste for sugars and sweeteners, making healthy options taste bland. The earlier they get started and longer they eat sugar for breakfast, the harder it will be for them to change to a healthy option.

I know it may be difficult to make the switch to a healthier cereal with all of the marketing to children, but you can do it. Remember, if you don’t buy it, it won’t be in the house.

Here is a great video I found this morning about a recent study on the marketing of sugary cereals. http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=news/consumer&id=7083198

Hope you find it enlightening.