Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving

Well, the Holidays are officially here. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Like many of you, I feel like it was just Thanksgiving. The year flew.

Now, you are probably thinking I am going to tell you to avoid your favorites to save your waste line this Thanksgiving. No way! Holidays are filled with wonderful memories of special foods that we only get once a year when we are spending the Holidays without families. I want you to have the opportunity to enjoy your favorites. Here are a few simple tips to keep things in check this Thursday.

  1. Serve at least one green leafy, fresh vegetable. Take a nice healthy serving of this vegetable.
  2. Eat your favorites, but moderate how much you eat. I know easier said than done, but it can be done.
  3. Get active with friends and family. Take in a local Turkey Trot 5k, hit a special Thanksgiving class at the gym, or take a walk before or after dinner.

Hey, but the true number one is being thankful for all the blessings you currently have in your life and enjoy this special time with your family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!