Well, the Holidays are officially here. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Like many of you, I feel like it was just Thanksgiving. The year flew. Now, you are probably thinking I am going to tell you to avoid your favorites to save your waste line this Thanksgiving. No way! Holidays are filled with wonderful memories of… Continue reading Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving
Category: Weight Loss
hCG Rapid Weight Loss – Just Another Bad Diet
My hCG update. I am still anti the hCG diet! Don’t do it! In fact, I won’t be having anyone on my radio show that promotes this diet. There are numerous reasons I will share. The first two days on it I almost threw up each night. I am used to eating a clean and… Continue reading hCG Rapid Weight Loss – Just Another Bad Diet
Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
Yesterday I interviewed Michelle Pearl, Author of “Wake Up! You’re Probably Never Going to Look Like That: How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit. I really enjoyed speaking with her. You can listen here: Karen\’s interview with Michelle Pearl. Michelle brought up some key issues that have been on my mind, some I have… Continue reading Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl
Lose Weight Online
We can do everything via the web now, so why not lose weight online? Using online tools, such as food and activity journals can help you stay on track with a healthier lifestyle. But, what about other products and services? I recommend being very careful. If you decide to hire a weight loss coach make… Continue reading Lose Weight Online
Physical Signs of Stress and Anxiety
On my post yesterday I mentioned I had thought the costochondritis I had suffered from the past seven weeks was caused by stress. Stress can manifest into many physical signs and symptoms, so make sure you are listening to your body! Pretty much any physical symptom can be a sign of stress. Some of the… Continue reading Physical Signs of Stress and Anxiety
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Weight Loss Help
I often get emails asking for weight loss advice. I always respond and try to be as helpful as possible, but candidly it is difficult to give the best possible advice without a client’s health/fitness history and nutrition/fitness assessment. Today I am going to share the person’s question and my response, as I am sure… Continue reading Weight Loss Help
You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?
I have had many clients become frustrated when a friend or a family member says, “You are getting too skinny”! Sometimes it is genuine concern, but usually it is a form of sabotage. I don’t think people do it on purpose or even realize they are jealous of your success. The best thing you can… Continue reading You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?
Maintaining your families weight through the Holidays!
I hope your family had a safe and healthy Halloween, that you treated yourself to a piece or two of candy. If you did treat yourself, did you think about the portion sizes you were having, the extra calories, etc… If not, we still have time to prepare for the rest of the Holidays. If… Continue reading Maintaining your families weight through the Holidays!
Is Your Family Ready to Lose Weight?
If you have an overweight child you are probably more motivated than most, because you are concerned about the health and emotional well being of your child. Here are four things I suggest clients do prior to getting started on a weight management program: Are you and your family members getting enough sleep? Studies have… Continue reading Is Your Family Ready to Lose Weight?