Gaining Weight for Weight Loss Surgery

Recently I have been seeing stories about people purposely gaining weight to make the weight loss surgery requirements. I find this very sad. Why not work hard to lose the weight and be healthy? I realize people get desperate for weight loss and want fast, easy results, but gaining weight to undergo surgery is dangerous.… Continue reading Gaining Weight for Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Gifts Giveaway Offers Best Selection of FREE Health and Wellness Related Products, Services & Memberships

Hi All, I wanted to let you know today about a Weight Loss site that will allow you to download a ton of weight loss-related gifts. And the best part is that it is absolutely FREE! If you’ve had enough of plodding along year after year and you want to improve yourself and your health… Continue reading Weight Loss Gifts Giveaway Offers Best Selection of FREE Health and Wellness Related Products, Services & Memberships

Fat Burning Underpants! No Sweat Weight Loss! Had To Share My Thoughts.

Okay, I could not resist talking about this on my BLOG! Fat burning underpants? I am thinking of adding a page of shame to my BLOG and calling it, Karen’s wall of shame, to list every gimmicky, quirky, completely stupid weight loss and/or fitness scheme I have ever seen. And believe me people will be… Continue reading Fat Burning Underpants! No Sweat Weight Loss! Had To Share My Thoughts.

Lose The Weight While Escaping From Diet Gimmicks And Hype

Hi All, I got started in the weight loss industry in the early ’90s, because I was sick of seeing people being taken advantage of by diet gimmicks and shysters who knew nothing about healthy weight loss that were just out there to make a buck. I wish I could say things have improved, but… Continue reading Lose The Weight While Escaping From Diet Gimmicks And Hype

Food Addiction – Could You Be a Sugar Or Fat Addict?

When I clicked on the television this morning one of the morning shows was featuring a rehabilitation center. I immediately thought it was a rehab center for drugs and/or alcohol. People were in small groups crying about things like what their addiction has done to their families and other negative ways it has impacted their… Continue reading Food Addiction – Could You Be a Sugar Or Fat Addict?

What’s Your Excuse? Drop It! Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life!

Could you be sabotaging yourself? Is it possible that you are the only person blocking the road to your dreams? Have you started and scrapped the same goal numerous times? I don’t care how big of a go-getter you are or how lazy you think you might be, I believe most of us can declare… Continue reading What’s Your Excuse? Drop It! Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life!

Lose Weight Healthy in 2021. Stop Dieting!

I have a love, hate relationship with January and the New Year. In my personal life, I love New Years, although I set goals throughout the year, New Years just feels like a fresh new beginning. I also love the countdown to midnight, saying goodbye to the year past, and having hopes and dreams of… Continue reading Lose Weight Healthy in 2021. Stop Dieting!

Happy New Year! Goal Setting Time.

One more Holiday to go and it is my favorite, New Years! I have always loved New Years’. Maybe it’s my free-spirited nature, but I love any sign of a new beginning, a new chance to goal set, and create a better me! Although I do set goals all year and rarely have a so-called… Continue reading Happy New Year! Goal Setting Time.

Lose Weight Healthy – Set Your Goals Before January 1!

It’s funny, I have “Karen About Your Health” on and I am not feeling very healthy. I have been sick the last two weeks. Finally going to see a doctor this afternoon! It’s very frustrating as I set some large goals to accomplish over the next few months in terms of my own fitness… Continue reading Lose Weight Healthy – Set Your Goals Before January 1!