You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?

I have had many clients become frustrated when a friend or a family member says, “You are getting too skinny”! Sometimes it is genuine concern, but usually it is a form of sabotage. I don’t think people do it on purpose or even realize they are jealous of your success. The best thing you can… Continue reading You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?

Help your overweight child, Stop doing these 3 things today!

I have been working diligently on laying the foundation to launch a coaching program that I sincerely hope will transform the lives of overweight children and families, not only in the US, but Internationally, as obesity is not only an issue for the US. A new term was coined in the past few years, “Globesity”.… Continue reading Help your overweight child, Stop doing these 3 things today!

Uneducated Weight Loss Coaches can be Detrimental to Your Health

I saw this ad on Craigslist this morning. When I saw the ad I knew I had to share it. Take a moment to read the ad and I will comment afterwards. Group Weight Loss Coach needed Date: 2009-08-27, 8:47AM CDT Reply to: Weight Loss / Nutrition Coaches needed for weight loss challenge program no… Continue reading Uneducated Weight Loss Coaches can be Detrimental to Your Health