I once read that the body looks as young as the mind feels. When I ponder on that, I think of all the older people breaking the “old person” rule. 90-year-old’s running marathons for the first time. Grandma’s winning bodybuilding competitions. Then I think of Facebook posts. Friends my age and younger posting how old… Continue reading The Power of the Mind in Rebuilding the Body
Category: Uncategorized
My Take On Living With Chronic Back Pain
Help For Chronic Pain Sufferers
Karen About Your Health – Sunday, 7:00 PM EST
Hi All, My apologies, my show did not end up being moved to Sundays on January 2nd. The good new is it will be on this Sunday. I am very excited about the change. It will allow me to contine to bring quality preventative health information to the public while affording me time to also… Continue reading Karen About Your Health – Sunday, 7:00 PM EST
Karen About Your Health Radio Show Starting Soon
I have great news. The “Karen About Your Health” radio show will be debuting on the Lucy LLC radio networks Health Channel starting later this month. I will keep you updated of my start date, so you can listen in. The reason I am unclear about my start date is because I am still dealing… Continue reading Karen About Your Health Radio Show Starting Soon
Jamie Oliver Speaks at TED. Join His Food Revolution.
Update on free teleclass for parents of overweight kids
Hi Everyone, My apologies, I had promised tips all through the Holidays and then disappeared for a few weeks. I had a pretty nasty respiratory infection and have not really felt well until yesterday. Just in time for Christmas! I also had to move my free teleclass: 7 keys to helping your overweight child lose… Continue reading Update on free teleclass for parents of overweight kids