Unemployed? 14 Year Old Karen, Reminding You To Hold On To Your Dreams!

This is a hard time for so many in the US. We are bombarded daily with bad news about the unemployment rates and the flailing economy. Many have given up on finding work and for those that struggle daily life can bring on a great deal of stress. I know, I have been caught up… Continue reading Unemployed? 14 Year Old Karen, Reminding You To Hold On To Your Dreams!

Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress

My favorite ways to reduce stress is by eating right and exercise. When you regularly eat healthily and exercise you have more energy, feel more confident, and just feel better about yourself. Eating and Stress There is a catch 22 when it comes to eating and stress. Sometimes we eat because we are stressed, sometimes… Continue reading Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress

Physical Signs of Stress and Anxiety

On my post yesterday I mentioned I had thought the costochondritis I had suffered from the past seven weeks was caused by stress. Stress can manifest into many physical signs and symptoms, so make sure you are listening to your body! Pretty much any physical symptom can be a sign of stress. Some of the… Continue reading Physical Signs of Stress and Anxiety