December is here! Time to plan your families 2010 Healthy Weight Revolution!

Wow, December is here. This year was a complete whirlwind. I remember when I was a little girl and thought it took so long to get to December. I was always excited for December, because it contains my three favorite Holidays, my Birthday, Christmas and New Years Eve. Yes, I do consider my Birthday a… Continue reading December is here! Time to plan your families 2010 Healthy Weight Revolution!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.

Happy Thanksgiving! As your coach I am treating this as your final pep talk before the big day, so here we go. Before the party: Review tips from the past couple of weeks. Don’t go to dinner hungry. Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch. Many people starve all day thinking this gives… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.

One more week until Thanksgiving and one more important tip!

One more week until Thanksgiving! I am thrilled and can’t wait to decorate for Christmas. I may even decorate before Thanksgiving! Why not, the stores were decorated long before Halloween? Have you been watching your portions, planning for Thanksgiving, and keeping active? If not this is a reminder, it’s never too late to start. If… Continue reading One more week until Thanksgiving and one more important tip!

More resources for parents of overweight children coming soon

While I am so happy to see programs going into schools to teach children the importance of eating right and staying physically active, it is futile if there home environment is not changing. We need to help the parents of overweight children learn healthy behaviors and help them become role models to their children. I… Continue reading More resources for parents of overweight children coming soon

If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!

The sugary cereals marketed to children are so unhealthy and adding to the childhood obesity epidemic. Lately, I have seen commercials advertising how healthy most sugary cereals are, because of the whole grain and high fiber content. Moms and Dads, don’t let the whole grain and high fiber fool you! The high sugar content in… Continue reading If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!