Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!

Parents, have you considered it could be your fault your child is overweight or obese? I know there are circumstances where a child is born with a genetic issue that causes weight gain. My heart goes out to those children and their parents! But 9 out of 10 times, it is a parents fault their child… Continue reading Parents, Are you making the grade when it comes to your child’s health? Your report card is inside!

Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving

Well, the Holidays are officially here. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Like many of you, I feel like it was just Thanksgiving. The year flew. Now, you are probably thinking I am going to tell you to avoid your favorites to save your waste line this Thanksgiving. No way! Holidays are filled with wonderful memories of… Continue reading Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving

Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress

My favorite ways to reduce stress is by eating right and exercise. When you regularly eat healthily and exercise you have more energy, feel more confident, and just feel better about yourself. Eating and Stress There is a catch 22 when it comes to eating and stress. Sometimes we eat because we are stressed, sometimes… Continue reading Eat Right and Move More To Relieve Stress

Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Part 2

I saved the best macronutrient for last! The much loved and hated Fats. I say, love Fats. It’s like dating, there are some good men out there and some good fats. The bad boys and bad fats just block the view sometimes. Fats are needed for the body to function properly. Yesterday, I told you… Continue reading Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Part 2

Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Macronutrients Part 1

I speak with people every day who are considering or working on eating healthier. They are often confused by all the information out there on nutrition, healthy eating, diets, etc… It is my goal to simplify Nutrition and healthy eating for you. Why do we eat? At Nutrition’s basic function, we eat to stay alive.… Continue reading Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Macronutrients Part 1