The Best Way To Lose Weight By The End Of 2011

At the end of 2010 I posted a BLOG about starting to lose weight before resolution time. I am reminding you once again not to put off your weight loss or fitness goals until January 1. There are many benefits to starting now instead of waiting.  If you start today you will: 1. Avoid Holiday… Continue reading The Best Way To Lose Weight By The End Of 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.

Happy Thanksgiving! As your coach I am treating this as your final pep talk before the big day, so here we go. Before the party: Review tips from the past couple of weeks. Don’t go to dinner hungry. Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch. Many people starve all day thinking this gives… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few last minute tips.

One more week until Thanksgiving and one more important tip!

One more week until Thanksgiving! I am thrilled and can’t wait to decorate for Christmas. I may even decorate before Thanksgiving! Why not, the stores were decorated long before Halloween? Have you been watching your portions, planning for Thanksgiving, and keeping active? If not this is a reminder, it’s never too late to start. If… Continue reading One more week until Thanksgiving and one more important tip!

More Tips to get your family through the Holidays

We have two weeks until Thanksgiving, so my tip today is to start planning. Most of the year, I get push back from clients about planning ahead. Maybe they think it will ruin their fun! But this time of year, most people are planning anyway, so why not plan to eat healthy and take care… Continue reading More Tips to get your family through the Holidays

Maintaining your families weight through the Holidays!

I hope your family had a safe and healthy Halloween, that you treated yourself to a piece or two of candy. If you did treat yourself, did you think about the portion sizes you were having, the extra calories, etc… If not, we still have time to prepare for the rest of the Holidays. If… Continue reading Maintaining your families weight through the Holidays!