The sugary cereals marketed to children are so unhealthy and adding to the childhood obesity epidemic. Lately, I have seen commercials advertising how healthy most sugary cereals are, because of the whole grain and high fiber content. Moms and Dads, don’t let the whole grain and high fiber fool you! The high sugar content in… Continue reading If the cereal name sounds like a dessert, it is a dessert!
Category: Childhood Obesity
Seven Tips to help you, help your Overweight Child?
If your child is struggling with their weight you need to become a great role model. It’s time to eat your fruits and veggies, among other healthy food options and start becoming physically active. Your child will learn healthy behaviors through watching you. Know that adult weight loss options are not appropriate for children. Kids… Continue reading Seven Tips to help you, help your Overweight Child?
Help your overweight child, Stop doing these 3 things today!
I have been working diligently on laying the foundation to launch a coaching program that I sincerely hope will transform the lives of overweight children and families, not only in the US, but Internationally, as obesity is not only an issue for the US. A new term was coined in the past few years, “Globesity”.… Continue reading Help your overweight child, Stop doing these 3 things today!
The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic
The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic. Earlier this week the APA came out with some staggering statistics Childhood obesity has quadrupled in the last 40 years In the last decade there has been a tenfold increase in Type-2 diabetes and psychological and social consequences, such as prejudice,… Continue reading The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic
Another new diet pill! Is this the answer to the obesity epidemic plaguing our families?
You may have heard about the newest controversial pill to fight obesity on the news recently. Contrave can help stop cravings and has already been used for treating alcohol and opiate addiction. I don’t think a pill is the answer we need to stop the obesity epidemic plaguing our families or sets a good example… Continue reading Another new diet pill! Is this the answer to the obesity epidemic plaguing our families?