You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?

I have had many clients become frustrated when a friend or a family member says, “You are getting too skinny”! Sometimes it is genuine concern, but usually it is a form of sabotage. I don’t think people do it on purpose or even realize they are jealous of your success. The best thing you can… Continue reading You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?

Are you taking diet advice from Oprah or Kirstie Alley, Really?

Okay, don’t get me wrong, I like Kirstie Alley. I would definitely ask her about business, as she is a savvy business women. I may even ask her how she keeps that smile and great sense of humor, being under the public eye, but the one thing I would never ask her is how to… Continue reading Are you taking diet advice from Oprah or Kirstie Alley, Really?