Hope this Monday finds you well. I continue to battle costochondritis and am unable to workout. Just walking up a flight of stairs exacerbates the symptoms and pain level. I asked you last week to get a workout in for me. Did you? I am asking again. If you are healthy at the moment I… Continue reading Add Some Exercise to Your Routine
Author: KHRocks
Safe Exercise
Many of my clients are starting exercise either for the first time or after decades of not being physically active. I am sure you may be in the same boat. Your safety is very important to me, so I have a few tips to help you stay safe. Stop your activity right away if you… Continue reading Safe Exercise
Save Money On Groceries
Fitting In Physical Activity
Weight Loss Help
I often get emails asking for weight loss advice. I always respond and try to be as helpful as possible, but candidly it is difficult to give the best possible advice without a client’s health/fitness history and nutrition/fitness assessment. Today I am going to share the person’s question and my response, as I am sure… Continue reading Weight Loss Help
Eat Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Part 3
Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Part 2
I saved the best macronutrient for last! The much loved and hated Fats. I say, love Fats. It’s like dating, there are some good men out there and some good fats. The bad boys and bad fats just block the view sometimes. Fats are needed for the body to function properly. Yesterday, I told you… Continue reading Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Part 2
Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Macronutrients Part 1
I speak with people every day who are considering or working on eating healthier. They are often confused by all the information out there on nutrition, healthy eating, diets, etc… It is my goal to simplify Nutrition and healthy eating for you. Why do we eat? At Nutrition’s basic function, we eat to stay alive.… Continue reading Eating Right – You Can Eat Healthier – Macronutrients Part 1
You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?
I have had many clients become frustrated when a friend or a family member says, “You are getting too skinny”! Sometimes it is genuine concern, but usually it is a form of sabotage. I don’t think people do it on purpose or even realize they are jealous of your success. The best thing you can… Continue reading You're Too Skinny – A Form of Sabotage?
Did You Miss Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? Have You Signed The Petition?
I can’t believe it is already Wednesday; I wanted to connect sooner about last weeks two hours of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. I kept a notebook by my side the entire time, as I knew some great things were about to unravel. I have to say at first I was amazed at how unintelligent people… Continue reading Did You Miss Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? Have You Signed The Petition?