I have a love, hate relationship with January and the New Year. In my personal life, I love New Years, although I set goals throughout the year, New Years just feels like a fresh new beginning. I also love the countdown to midnight, saying goodbye to the year past, and having hopes and dreams of… Continue reading Lose Weight Healthy in 2021. Stop Dieting!
Author: KHRocks
Karen About Your Health – Sunday, 7:00 PM EST
Hi All, My apologies, my show did not end up being moved to Sundays on January 2nd. The good new is it will be on this Sunday. I am very excited about the change. It will allow me to contine to bring quality preventative health information to the public while affording me time to also… Continue reading Karen About Your Health – Sunday, 7:00 PM EST
Happy New Year! Goal Setting Time.
One more Holiday to go and it is my favorite, New Years! I have always loved New Years’. Maybe it’s my free-spirited nature, but I love any sign of a new beginning, a new chance to goal set, and create a better me! Although I do set goals all year and rarely have a so-called… Continue reading Happy New Year! Goal Setting Time.
Karen About Your Health Moving to Sundays at 7:00 EST
As of Sunday, January 2nd, Karen About Your Health will be moving to Sundays at 7:00 Eastern time. While I love doing the show, I just don’t have enough time to do five days a week at this point. It was a difficult decision, as I have always had a hard time scaling down and… Continue reading Karen About Your Health Moving to Sundays at 7:00 EST
Lose Weight Healthy – Set Your Goals Before January 1!
It’s funny, I have “Karen About Your Health” on http://www.healthbeatradio.com and I am not feeling very healthy. I have been sick the last two weeks. Finally going to see a doctor this afternoon! It’s very frustrating as I set some large goals to accomplish over the next few months in terms of my own fitness… Continue reading Lose Weight Healthy – Set Your Goals Before January 1!
Healthy Holiday Eating
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I know my readers were able to keep it in check and not eat too much! I also know many of you took time to stay active. Good for you! Well, there are more Holidays ahead. What are you doing to prepare? I know the one thing I am… Continue reading Healthy Holiday Eating
Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving
Well, the Holidays are officially here. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Like many of you, I feel like it was just Thanksgiving. The year flew. Now, you are probably thinking I am going to tell you to avoid your favorites to save your waste line this Thanksgiving. No way! Holidays are filled with wonderful memories of… Continue reading Healthy Holiday Eating – Thanksgiving
hCG Rapid Weight Loss – Just Another Bad Diet
My hCG update. I am still anti the hCG diet! Don’t do it! In fact, I won’t be having anyone on my radio show that promotes this diet. There are numerous reasons I will share. The first two days on it I almost threw up each night. I am used to eating a clean and… Continue reading hCG Rapid Weight Loss – Just Another Bad Diet
hCG Rapid Weight Loss
I am just going to come straight out and say it. If something says diet or rapid weight loss I don’t think people should do it. That being said, I also say, “Don’t knock it, until you try it”, quite a bit. So I am trying a diet many believe in for the next 21… Continue reading hCG Rapid Weight Loss
Men’s Preventative Health
This week on “Karen About Your Health” I am taking time during each show to talk a little bit about men’s preventative health. The simple truth is most men aren’t taking proper care of themselves, getting preventative screening or making their annual physical. Women are 100% more likely to get their annual exam. I also found… Continue reading Men’s Preventative Health