The Diet Industry Is Dumbing Us Down

It amazes me how great marketing can bring a society to its knees. We have counted on the 72 Billion Dollar diet industry to help us lose weight and what has happened? We are fatter than ever before. You hear the words, “Diets Don’t Work” daily. There are many reasons they don’t, but one of… Continue reading The Diet Industry Is Dumbing Us Down

Can a family really eat healthy on vacation?

When my great friend and travel agent, Denise Lorentzen, asked me to write an article about healthy eating on a family vacation, I had mixed feelings, because I know with the current childhood obesity epidemic families aren’t eating healthy at home, so how can you expect them to eat healthy on vacation. Second, I have… Continue reading Can a family really eat healthy on vacation?

Uneducated Weight Loss Coaches can be Detrimental to Your Health

I saw this ad on Craigslist this morning. When I saw the ad I knew I had to share it. Take a moment to read the ad and I will comment afterwards. Group Weight Loss Coach needed Date: 2009-08-27, 8:47AM CDT Reply to: Weight Loss / Nutrition Coaches needed for weight loss challenge program no… Continue reading Uneducated Weight Loss Coaches can be Detrimental to Your Health

The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic

The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic. Earlier this week the APA came out with some staggering statistics Childhood obesity has quadrupled in the last 40 years In the last decade there has been a tenfold increase in Type-2 diabetes and psychological and social consequences, such as prejudice,… Continue reading The American Psychological Association (APA) states parents can help stop the obesity epidemic

Another new diet pill! Is this the answer to the obesity epidemic plaguing our families?

You may have heard about the newest controversial pill to fight obesity on the news recently. Contrave can help stop cravings and has already been used for treating alcohol and opiate addiction. I don’t think a pill is the answer we need to stop the obesity epidemic plaguing our families or sets a good example… Continue reading Another new diet pill! Is this the answer to the obesity epidemic plaguing our families?