Update on free teleclass for parents of overweight kids

Hi Everyone,

My apologies, I had promised tips all through the Holidays and then disappeared for a few weeks. I had a pretty nasty respiratory infection and have not really felt well until yesterday. Just in time for Christmas!

I also had to move my free teleclass:

7 keys to helping your overweight child lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime!

It will now take place on January 5, 2009 at 5:00 PST, 7:00 CT, 8:00 EST.

Click here to sign up for this free teleclass! I am looking forward to the call.

Last, but not least. Here is my last minute Christmas tip. Focus on family, friends and the true meaning of the Holiday and teach your child to do the same. Taking the focus off of the food helps!

Merry Christmas!
