December is here! Time to plan your families 2010 Healthy Weight Revolution!

Wow, December is here. This year was a complete whirlwind. I remember when I was a little girl and thought it took so long to get to December. I was always excited for December, because it contains my three favorite Holidays, my Birthday, Christmas and New Years Eve. Yes, I do consider my Birthday a personal Holiday and you should too! Well, your birthday. I’m not expecting you to take the day off for mine, unless it is your birthday too!

I particularly love New Years, because it gives a sense of a new beginning, a chance to start over, become a better person, accomplish goals we have been dreaming about the previous year, etc… I know it is only December 1st, but I am going to ask you to plan for your resolution today, in fact I want you to plan your families’ revolution, because 2010 is going to be the year your family begins living a healthy lifestyle, loses weight, and stops dieting for good!  Start goal setting for the New Year today! Many of us wait for New Years Eve to set our big resolution for the New Year. This will be the year our family starts exercising, this will be the year our family starts eating right, this will be the year we lose the weight… Here is the grim news. On average 45% of us set a New Years Resolution, 92% of those fail.

Why do 92% of New Years Resolutions fail?

Candidly, I think most people fail, because they do not have a clear concise plan in place that includes short and long term goals and rewards for reaching those goals. So that is what I am urging you to do today. Make sure your goals are not based on weight only and do not make weight loss goals for your child. You child will lose weight naturally as the family eats healthier and becomes more active.

FREE Teleclass to help parents of Overweight Children

Another reason people fail at reaching their New Years Resolution is that they do not seek out support from a professional. I have a free teleclass coming up to help you get started on the right foot for 2010. Here are the details:

  • Are you worried about your child’s weight?
  • Are you scared your child is being bullied at school, because of their weight problem?
  • Are you concerned your overweight child’s lack of self confidence will lead to suicide?
  • Are you fearful for your child’s health?
  • Are you afraid your child will go through the same turmoil you experienced growing up and feeling guilt like you could be the one to blame?

If you have experienced some or all of these concerns, you won’t want to miss this free teleclass!

7 keys to helping your overweight child lose weight
and keep it off for a lifetime!

December 15th at 5:00 PST, 7:00 CT, 8:00 EST

Click here to sign up for this free teleclass.