More resources for parents of overweight children coming soon

While I am so happy to see programs going into schools to teach children the importance of eating right and staying physically active, it is futile if there home environment is not changing. We need to help the parents of overweight children learn healthy behaviors and help them become role models to their children.

I recently spoke with a drug counselor that completely understood my thoughts on needing to work with the parents. He told me of kids his center had helped to get off of drugs, but once the child went home to their old environments they went right back to the drugs. A child’s home environment has a huge affect on their behaviors and habits.

I am very excited to announce I have a free teleclass to help parents of overweight children coming soon. I also have a more extensive program starting in January. If you know of a parent struggling with this issue, direct them to this site to download a free e-book. I will then contact them about the free teleclass.