Just Stay Fat! You’ve Tried Before and Failed, What’s the Point?

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text]So how many diets have you been on? How many times have you lost the same 20, 30, 50, 100 pounds, just to gain it all back? How many more times will you repeat this? Just stay fat, what’s the point? I can tell you this, it is healthier to stay fat then to yo yo up and down! Now do I really want you to stay fat? Heck NO! I want you to see how silly dieting is. A diet is a short term solution to a life long problem. You have to make a decision not to go on a diet, but to change your life. But how? You have to take stock, be honest with yourself and be ready to have screw up, but keep moving forward. You are going to have to work on your mind, body and spirit. You are going to have to make small changes that accumulate over time. You are going to have to believe in yourself and your ability to be healthy, fit and energetic. You can do this if you believe you can! Recently, I have had to face areas of my life I have not been as successful as I would have liked and you know what, I was depressed for a couple days over it. I gave myself the time and space to feel those feelings. You may be grieving over what you consider to be a failure right now. That’s okay. Give yourself the space to feel those feelings, but plan your day to start fresh. I took that time to re-read “MACH II WITH YOUR HAIR ON FIRE”, by Richard 樂威壯 Bliss Brooke. This is a book about the art of vision and self motivation. If you have dreams to accomplish any goal, I highly recommend it. I followed the instructions in the book and wrote my vision and meditated on my vision. I started reading and meditating on my vision every morning and every night and I will continue to do so for the next 30 days to see what great things transpire in my life. If you dream to lose weight and one day be healthy and fit. You can do it! Just stop dieting and thinking short term, start visualizing yourself healthy and fit and thinking about what you will be doing when you reach that goal, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself and the successful outcome! I believe in you! As always, I am here to support you and can be reached at karen@karenhummel.com. To your health, happiness and prosperity! Karen[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]