Lose Weight Healthy – Set Your Goals Before January 1!

It’s funny, I have “Karen About Your Health” on http://www.healthbeatradio.com and I am not feeling very healthy. I have been sick the last two weeks. Finally going to see a doctor this afternoon! It’s very frustrating as I set some large goals to accomplish over the next few months in terms of my own fitness level. I was very excited to get started. Now I am two weeks behind. While I’m at a healthy weight, I would like to lose some fat and gain some muscle over the next few months. The back problems I have had took me out of the gym enough that I gained a couple of sizes, even though I was eating healthy.

I  share this, because I know many of you struggle with your weight. Many think it’s easy for me and I am just naturally thin, which is far from the truth. I have to work at it. I eat right and I exercise. I have made a lifelong commitment to both these pursuits. I suggest you do the same. If you want to maintain a healthy weight for the long run you have to dedicate your life to living a healthy lifestyle.

 Now, why wait until New Years to set goals and get started. I suggest getting started today! Start a couple of weeks early and you will be well on your way as we approach 2011. Can you believe it is 2011? The years are flying. Life is precious and short, get started on your goals as soon as possible. Don’t waste another day of your life!

I will be offering a six week program that will start in the New Year. I will update you with dated and information later. In the meantime if you need individual coaching to reach your weight loss goals give me a call at 512-906-2031.

I know you can reach your goals. The sooner you commit to moving toward your goals the sooner you will achieve them.

 All the best!
