Imperfectly Fit Fitness Program – My interview with Michelle Pearl

Yesterday I interviewed Michelle Pearl, Author of “Wake Up! You’re Probably Never Going to Look Like That: How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit. I really enjoyed speaking with her. You can listen here: Karen\’s interview with Michelle Pearl.

Michelle brought up some key issues that have been on my mind, some I have even Blogged about previously. First being the dangers associated with quick weight loss and how the diet industry and The Biggest Loser are perpetuating the obesity epidemic my providing the public with false information. It is not safe to your body to lose more than two pounds a week. Yes you may have seen people lose quickly on shows or certain, so called diets. I bet they all gained the weight back and more. Michelle admitted that happened to her. She is such an inspiration she lost 100 lbs trying dieting to gain it all back, plus 47 lbs. She then decided it was time to learn why diets weren’t working and how to be healthy.

Michelle and I also talked about the growing childhood obesity epidemic and how important is to educate parents. Both Michelle and I will be guest panel experts on CELEBRATE RECOVERY on September 30, 2010 at 8:00 PM CST. The is a free teleseminar where Special Guest Experts will confront the most interesting and challenging questions about childhood obesity, adult obesity, alcohol and drug abuse,  and, eating disorders and recovery. I look forward to us both getting more information out about this growing epidemic. SIGN UP NOW!