Uneducated Weight Loss Coaches can be Detrimental to Your Health

I saw this ad on Craigslist this morning. When I saw the ad I knew I had to share it. Take a moment to read the ad and I will comment afterwards.

Group Weight Loss Coach needed

Date: 2009-08-27, 8:47AM CDT
Reply to:

Weight Loss / Nutrition Coaches
needed for weight loss challenge
program no experience needed
full training provided, P/T; F/T

fun attitude important

up to $1500-$5000/ mo flexible hrs
Bi-Lingual welcome and encouraged
Email your phone number to set up interview:

Don’t be scammed by so called experts

There are so many people on the Internet today selling themselves as experts. As you can see from this ad 犀利士
you may be hiring a so called weight loss coach, nutrition coach, fitness expert, etc… that has 0 experience or education in the field. They just have to have a fun attitude. I don’t know about you, but I would not want to take my car to a mechanic that knew nothing about an engine, but had a great personality. So why would a person go to an untrained person when it puts their health at stake.

These nutrition coaches are trained on a specific fad diet, which may cause you to lose weight at first, so you are tricked in to believing you have found the diet that works. Remember, rebound weight gain + a few extra pounds will follow. You are also gambling with you and your child’s health. Remember, diets send a bad message about food to our children causing an unhealthy relationship with food and weight gain.

Degrees and Certifications your Weight Management/Nutrition Coach should have

If someone is advertising as a weight management/nutrition coach they should have a degree in the field. Look for Dieticians, Nutritionists, Exercise Nutritionists and/or Sports Nutritionists. Find out where they went to school, how long they have been working in the field, and how they keep abreast of the latest information on nutrition. If the coach is also helping you with fitness related information, ensure they have a degree in exercise science. Their degree may be titled differently, so ask questions.

Aside from a degree, they should also be certified through reputable institution. Find out what type of certifications they person has. Some well know certification institutions include;

  • ACSM, NSCA, Cooper Institute, ACE and AFAA for personal training
  • CHESS and Cooper Institute for health promotion
  • Check with ICF for accredited coaching certifications. I went through Coach Training Alliance, so I can vouch for them.

Be careful there are so many out there that just want to take your money. The people they hire may be good people and think they are helping, but the fact is you need an expert when dealing with nutrition, coaching, and exercise.