Karen About Your Health Radio Show Starting Soon

I have great news. The “Karen About Your Health” radio show will be debuting on the  Lucy LLC radio networks Health Channel starting later this month. I will keep you updated of my start date, so you can listen in.

The reason I am unclear about my start date is because I am still dealing with costochondritis, which makes it difficult to talk for any length of time without getting a dry cough. The Health Channel, being true to their name and mission, told me to take care of myself first. I feel very lucky to be associated with a network that talks the talk and walks the walk.

The show will als犀利士
o mean some changes for my BLOG. I will now be updating you on more than just weight loss, but other health topics. My goal for both my radio show and BLOG is to get real information out to the public about preventative health, nutrition, fitness, weight loss and more.

I will definitely be interviewing someone on costochondritis.

All the best,
