Add Some Exercise to Your Routine

Hope this Monday finds you well. I continue to battle costochondritis and am unable to workout. Just walking up a flight of stairs exacerbates the symptoms and pain level. I asked you last week to get a workout in for me. Did you?

I am asking again. If you are healthy at the moment I want you to think about how lucky you are to have your health and then plan a workout in honor of someone you know that is too ill to exercise! You can exercise for me if you would like. I would greatly appreciate it. If you do, let me know on my BLOG or at I would be both touched and honored.

Now, what will you do? Here are a few ideas:

  1. If you are new to exercise take a small walk to get yourself started. You can add weight training and other forms of exercise later. Just getting used to exercising at the same time each day is a great start!
  2. Is there a class you have imagined taking but have let fear hold you back? Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. Go try it this week! If you are new to exercise I would suggest waiting on taking a class unless it is geared to beginners. If you have been exercising, still tell the instructor you are new to classes and/or the form of exercise you are trying.
  3. Go out and play! Were you a mean tether ball payer in grammar school like I was, go play. What about kick ball, four square, dodge ball, you get the picture. Go be goofy, have some fun and burn calories.

Well, I need to get some more rest. Hope you enjoy whatever workout you decide to try.

All the best!
