Lately, I have been hearing something that scares me. I just met a gentlemen yesterday that reminded me of it. He said, “Children can be overweight and healthy”. My apologies if you too have bought into this, but unfortunately it just isn’t true. Whether you are a child or adult you are at a greater… Continue reading There is no such thing as Overweight and Healthy
Month: February 2010
6 Ways to Cut Back on TV and Computer Time
Yesterday evening, I had a first date. I won’t go too far into that. I mention it because it was the first time I met this person and a found my self admitting to a new bad habit… I have started watching way too much TV. I venture to guess many of my readers could… Continue reading 6 Ways to Cut Back on TV and Computer Time
Are you taking diet advice from Oprah or Kirstie Alley, Really?
Okay, don’t get me wrong, I like Kirstie Alley. I would definitely ask her about business, as she is a savvy business women. I may even ask her how she keeps that smile and great sense of humor, being under the public eye, but the one thing I would never ask her is how to… Continue reading Are you taking diet advice from Oprah or Kirstie Alley, Really?